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    每个角之间的赞比西和Agulbas部落 - 我迎接你!
    For I will call you by the name that for fifty years has been honoured
    by every tribe between Zambesi and Cape Agulbas,--I greet you!
    Sompseu, my father, I have written a book that tells of men and
    matters of which you know the most of any who still look upon the
    light; therefore, I set your name within that book and, such as it is,
    I offer it to you.
    If you knew not Chaka, you and he have seen the same suns shine, you
    knew his brother Panda and his captains, and perhaps even that very
    Mopo who tells this tale, his servant, who slew him with the Princes.
    You have seen the circle of the witch-doctors and the unconquerable
    Zulu impis rushing to war; you have crowned their kings and shared
    their counsels, and with your son's blood you have expiated a
    statesman's error and a general's fault.
    Sompseu, a song has been sung in my ears of how first you mastered
    this people of the Zulu. Is it not true, my father, that for long
    hours you sat silent and alone, while three thousand warriors shouted
    for your life? And when they grew weary, did you not stand and say,
    pointing towards the ocean: "Kill me if you wish, men of Cetywayo, but
    I tell you that for every drop of my blood a hundred avengers shall
    rise from yonder sea!"



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