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    货币和贸易审议,建议对货币供给与国家。爱丁堡。印刷的继承者和安德鲁安德森,打印机到女王陛下最优秀的接班人,安诺的DOM。 1705。
    有offer'd以救济难的几点建议是根据国家的货币非常稀缺。这可能是一个正确的判断作出,这将是最安全,有利和可行的;似乎有必要,1。这些钱自然会问到,为什么白银作为货币优于其他商品us'd。 2。这种贸易可以考虑,在多大程度上影响货币贸易。 2。这些措施已us'd为维护和增加货币,而这些现在propos'd是examin'd。
    Money and Trade Considered with a Proposal for Supplying the Nation with Money. Edinburgh. Printed by the Heirs and Successors of Andrew Anderson, Printer to the Queens most Excellent Majesty, Anno DOM. 1705.
    There are several Proposals offer'd to Remedy the Difficulties the Nation is under from the great Scarcity of Money. That a right Judgment may be made, which will be most Safe, Advantageous and Practicable; It seems Necessary, 1. That the Nature of Money be inquired into, and why Silver was us'd as Money preferable to other Goods. 2. That Trade be considered, and how far Money affects Trade. 2. That the Measures have been us'd for preserving and Increasing Money, and these now propos'd be examin'd.
    Chapter 1
    How Goods are valued. Of Barter, of silver; Its Value as a Mettal, its Qualities fitting it for Money, and the Additional Value it received from being us'd as Money.



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