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  更新时间:2017-02-05 13:29:23  

    IT was nine o'clock Thursday morning when the 'Susie'
    left the Mississippi and entered Old River, or what is
    now called the mouth of the Red. Ascending on the left,
    a flood was pouring in through and over the levees on
    the Chandler plantation, the most northern point in Pointe
    Coupee parish. The water completely covered the place,
    although the levees had given way but a short time before.
    The stock had been gathered in a large flat-boat, where,
    without food, as we passed, the animals were huddled together,
    waiting for a boat to tow them off. On the right-hand side
    of the river is Turnbull's Island, and on it is a large plantation
    which formerly was pronounced one of the most fertile in the State.
    The water has hitherto allowed it to go scot-free in usual floods,
    but now broad sheets of water told only where fields were.
    The top of the protecting levee could be seen here and there,
    but nearly all of it was submerged.
    The trees have put on a greener foliage since the water has poured in,
    and the woods look bright and fresh, but this pleasant aspect to the eye
    is neutralized by the interminable waste of water. We pass mile after mile,
    and it is nothing but trees standing up to their branches in water.
    A water-turkey now and again rises and flies ahead into the long avenue



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