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    鲁珀特布鲁克既公平地看到,在他的方式获胜。有第一次接触都开花和魅力,而最有生命存在。用的是他的朋友形容他的,他是“生动”。这种活力,虽然在多方面的表现,主要是觉得他的感觉 - 惊讶与喜悦交织 - “之后一个接一个,像品尝甜美的食物。”这是人生的“第一次罚款狂喜”。这使他的名字病人对这些万物(每似乎),如发现新鲜好奇,但强大,而且最重要的共同点,他“喜欢”, - 他是“伟大的情人”。情人什么了?为什么,“白牌及杯子清洁闪烁,蓝色线环斑” - 等通过30的精美行文字,以及他是由这些短文的意识,多简洁迷住激烈,一时的,欣喜若狂同在这美丽的流青年上午下跌。这首诗是一个重要的感觉目录和“亲爱的名字”以及。 “这些是我喜欢。”
    Rupert Brooke was both fair to see and winning in his ways. There was at the first contact both bloom and charm; and most of all there was life. To use the word his friends describe him by, he was "vivid". This vitality, though manifold in expression, is felt primarily in his sensations -- surprise mingled with delight -- "One after one, like tasting a sweet food." This is life's "first fine rapture". It makes him patient to name over those myriad things (each of which seems like a fresh discovery) curious but potent, and above all common, that he "loved", -- he the "Great Lover". Lover of what, then? Why, of "White plates and cups clean-gleaming, Ringed with blue lines," -- and the like, through thirty lines of exquisite words; and he is captivated by the multiple brevity of these vignettes of sense, keen, momentary, ecstatic with the morning dip of youth in the wonderful stream. The poem is a catalogue of vital sensations and "dear names" as well. "All these have been my loves."



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