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    洛杉矶巴斯蒂耶(大人,夫人和小姐)。 (见米尼翁。)
    洛杉矶巴斯蒂耶洛杉矶布里耶尔(欧内),一个良好的家庭成员,图卢兹,1802年出生,在外观上非常相似,路易十三。,1824年至1829年,私人秘书的财政大臣。在科特迪瓦Espard夫人的意见,并因此被以埃莱奥诺尔服务西元肖利厄,他成为秘书梅尔基奥尔德卡纳利斯,并在同一时间,在审计长仲裁者。他成为了荣誉军团骑士。 1829年,他进行了卡纳利斯通过信函的爱情浪漫,该事件被主人公玛丽-莫德斯特-米尼翁德拉萨巴斯蒂耶(在勒阿弗尔)。他扮演这一部分非常成功,她爱上了爱情和婚姻已经商定。这种结合,使他富有的子爵拉巴斯蒂耶拉布里耶尔,以下是影响1830年2月。卡纳莉斯和1824年分别为部长欧内斯特德拉萨布里耶尔,谁当之无愧自己的好运气的证人。 [政府办事员。莫德斯特米尼翁。]
    洛杉矶巴斯蒂耶洛杉矶布里耶尔,前面出生的妻子玛丽(夫人欧内)莫德斯特约1809米尼翁,年轻的查尔斯米尼翁德拉萨巴斯蒂耶和贝蒂娜米尼翁德拉萨巴斯蒂耶女儿 - 出生Wallenrod。 1829年,虽然生活在哈佛与她的家人,同样的爱的一种文学,科特迪瓦阿尼姆贝蒂娜布伦塔诺歌德的热情诱发设想,她爱上了梅尔基奥尔德卡纳莉斯爱,她说经常在秘密诗人,他回答,通过欧内拉布里耶尔中,因此有兴起的小女孩之间的相互秘书爱的婚姻结果。对于玛丽的证人,莫德斯特米尼翁是公爵埃鲁维尔和医生Desplein。由于在巴黎界最令人羡慕的女性之一,在路易菲力普的时间,她成为Mesdames德欧莱雅Estorade和Popinot亲密朋友。 [莫德斯特米尼翁。对于阿西斯会员。表哥贝蒂。]香格里拉巴斯蒂耶有时写成香格里拉巴捷。
    洛杉矶BAUDRAYE [*](让阿萨纳西- Polydore Milaud德),1780年出生于贝里后裔的Milaud简单家庭,最近enobled。维尔福拉Baudraye的父亲是一个可喜的处置好融资,他的母亲是卡斯泰朗拉赛。他身体不好的时候,他体质虚弱留下的遗产是一个不道德的父亲。他的父亲就死,也给他留下了大量的说明哪些是贴的崇高签署的移民贵族。他贪婪引起,Polydore德拉萨Baudraye占领自己,在恢复时间,以收集这些笔记,他经常前往巴黎,与克莱门特夏尔丹沙漠Lupeaulx谈判达成的酒店德美因茨,取得,根据承诺,事后执行,出售他们的盈利,一些职位和头衔,成为先后的印章,男爵,在荣誉和请愿团的军官掌握核数师。桑塞尔的,这成了他也被格拉维耶购买个人破产。维尔福拉Baudraye桑塞尔并没有离开,他对1823年结婚Piedefer黛娜小姐,成为大地产人收购后,他的城堡和Anzy产业,与解决后,他妻子的亲生儿子冠军的财产,他所以工作对她的感情,以从她的律师和签字权,对美国航行,成为一个大型财产,通过丰富的西拉斯Piedefer离开他 - 1836年至1842年。当时他在巴黎拥有庄严的大厦,从Rue de l'商场,并呼吁夺回他的妻子,谁离开了他,他也把她的情妇。他现在成了伯爵,在荣誉军团司令,法国等。弗雷德里克德Nucingen等接待他,并担任赞助商,他时,在1842年夏天,费迪南德死亡科特迪瓦新奥尔良必要的马尔塞夫拉Baudraye在卢森堡的存在。 [该部的缪斯。]
    LA BASTIE (Monsieur, Madame and Mademoiselle de). (See Mignon.)
    LA BASTIE LA BRIERE (Ernest de), member of a good family of Toulouse, born in 1802; very similar in appearance to Louis XIII.; from 1824 to 1829, private secretary to the minister of finances. On the advice of Madame d'Espard, and thus being of service to Eleonore de Chaulieu, he became secretary to Melchior de Canalis and, at the same time, referendary of the Cour des Comptes. He became a chevalier of the Legion of Honor. In 1829 he conducted for Canalis a love romance by correspondence, the heroine of the affair being Marie-Modeste-Mignon de la Bastie (of Havre). He played this part so successfully that she fell in love and marriage was agreed upon. This union, which made him the wealthy Vicomte de la Bastie la Briere, was effected the following February in 1830. Canalis and the minister of 1824 were witnesses for Ernest de la Briere, who fully deserved his good fortune. [The Government Clerks. Modeste Mignon.]
    LA BASTIE LA BRIERE (Madame Ernest de), wife of the preceding, born Marie-Modeste Mignon about 1809, younger daughter of Charles Mignon de la Bastie and of Bettina Mignon de la Bastie--born Wallenrod. In 1829, while living with her family at Havre, with the same love, evoked by a passion for literature, which Bettina Brentano d'Arnim conceived for Goethe, she fell in love with Melchior de Canalis; she wrote frequently to the poet in secret, and he responded through the medium of Ernest de la Briere; thus there sprang up between the young girl and the secretary a mutual love which resulted in marriage. The witnesses for Marie-Modeste Mignon were the Duc d'Herouville and Doctor Desplein. As one of the most envied women in Parisian circles, in the time of Louis Philippe, she became the close friend of Mesdames de l'Estorade and Popinot. [Modeste Mignon. The Member for Arcis. Cousin Betty.] La Bastie is sometimes written La Batie.
    LA BAUDRAYE[*] (Jean-Athanase-Polydore Milaud de), born in 1780 in Berry, descended from the simple family of Milaud, recently enobled. M. de la Baudraye's father was a good financier of pleasing disposition; his mother was a Casteran la Tour. He was in poor health, his weak constitution being the heritage left him by an immoral father. His father, on dying, also left him a large number of notes to which were affixed the noble signatures of the emigrated aristocracy. His avarice aroused, Polydore de la Baudraye occupied himself, at the time of the Restoration, with collecting these notes; he made frequent trips to Paris; negotiated with Clement Chardin des Lupeaulx at the Hotel de Mayence; obtained, under a promise, afterwards executed, to sell them profitably, some positions and titles, and became successively auditor of the seals, baron, officer of the Legion of Honor and master of petitions. The individual receivership of Sancerre, which became his also, was bought by Gravier. M. de la Baudraye did not leave Sancerre; he married towards 1823 Mademoiselle Dinah Piedefer, became a person of large property following his acquisition to the castle and estate of Anzy, settled this property with the title upon a natural son of his wife; he so worked upon her feelings as to get from her the power of attorney and signature, sailed for America, and became rich through a large patrimony left him by Silas Piedefer--1836-42. At that time he owned in Paris a stately mansion, on rue de l'Arcade, and upon winning back his wife, who had left him, he placed her in it as mistress. He now became count, commander of the Legion of Honor, and peer of France. Frederic de Nucingen received him as such and served him as sponsor, when, in the summer of 1842, the death of Ferdinand d'Orleans necessitated the presence of M. de la Baudraye at Luxembourg. [The Muse of the Department.]



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